As contract packagers, our objective is always to deliver the customer’s complete expectations in packaging quality and presentation.

In November 2019 following our membership expansion into New Zealand, it was appropriate that our name and logo reflect this change. Welcome to the Wine Packagers of Australia & New Zealand (WPANZ).
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There are estimated to be 3,184 wineries across Australia and New Zealand.

Members of Wine Packagers of Australia & New Zealand (WPANZ) are contract packagers for approximately 2,769 of them.

(Ref: Wine Australia – Australian Wine Sector 2018 at a Glance NZ WineGrowers Annual Report Summary of NZ Wine 2010-2019).


COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the Australian economy since arriving in Australia in January 2020. The lockdowns and trading restrictions impacted all businesses across Australia, with workers being laid off or put onto reduced hours as businesses closed or reduced operations in compliance with health mandates.

Hard on the heels of COVID-19, the Australian wine industry, supply chain, and contractors, were hit hard by the imposition of Chinese import tariffs placed in 2020-21 and the resultant loss of trade in its most lucrative export destination. China was once by far Australia’s leading wine export destination, with shipments in the year to January 2020 worth A$1.2bn. Australia’s wine producers have been significantly impacted by the effective closure of the Chinese market: according to IWSR data, Australian wine volumes in China declined at a CAGR of -78% between 2020 and 2022. Consequently, this has a continued impact on our wine supply chain in Australia. WPANZ has not taken any membership or sponsorship fees since 2022 and trials being undertaken by WPANZ were put on hold until further notice. Members agreed that the importance of the WPANZ is still recognised as an entity of support and assistance for each other and to continue the collaborative platform for members, suppliers, manufacturers and packaging designers.