As individual contract packagers, we use our combined knowledge and expertise in the packaging of wine to assess and study mechanical and dry good packaging performances experienced across our businesses.
We believe that each manufacturer and supplier to the Australian and New Zealand wine supply chain has the same customer, the owner of the wine brand. It is our collective responsibility to ensure their brand is delivered to the consumer looking just like the customer expects. To that end each of us is required to understand the limitations of the products and processes we control.
Members meet quarterly to discuss manufacturing capability issues, innovations in packaging and packaging equipment, legal compliance issues, supplier performance, and related industry changes. Our members also assist suppliers and manufacturers by providing trials for new packaging initiatives and proposed changes to materials or existing components. These trials provide reliable and credible information for the wine industry supply chain. This has been made possible with the ongoing support and sponsorship of our industry partners.
The introduction of our technical Forums has provided a collaborative platform for members, suppliers, manufacturers and packaging share our collective wine packaging knowledge and expertise to raise new initiatives and drive change. As the new Chair of Wine Packagers of Australia & New Zealand, I look forward to liaising with our industry partners and members as we continue to work through our projects and head towards our next Forum.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. We’re here to help and welcome your input, inquiries and feedback.
Russell Smith
Russell Smith, Chair
At the meeting of members on 12 November 2020, Russell Smith, General Manager, Hunter Bottling Company, and David Hutton, Insieme One Pty Ltd were appointed Chair and Deputy Chair respectively
Barossa Bottlers
Contact Wayne Breguet